A change to my study program

Change to my study program At university, we had a lot, but I mean, a lot of theoretical classes. Language, phonetics, literature, philosophy (only an introduction, mind you), Latin (!), etc, which I thought were interesting and enjoyed. However, sometimes I thought ‘how is this going to help me teach?’ Then, when I reached my methodology classes, things became clearer in that sense. However, there was still a good deal of theory involved. I think too much time was devoted to that and not enough to practice. Regarding facilities, well, it was a public university, so there were 150 of us students in an enormous room and we could barely hear our teachers (but I still thing public education is the best!). That makes me think of the way they taught at the time, mostly through lectures, i.e. the teacher would stand up front and speak for ever, there wasn’t much practical work in class. Having said that, years later, after I got an international certification as an English teacher, I r...