My dream job

Ok, I’ll start by saying that I love my job as a teacher of English and feel lucky to get paid for doing it. Having said that, my dream job would be as a restorer of classic cars. I love the way they look, sound, smell and move. Those awesome machines full of lights to turn on, buttons to push and levers to pull fill me with joy, and they can be relatively practical too! The process of bringing them back to their glory days is fascinating. When you see them in perfect condition, it’s like a window into the past. I also love learning about their historical context and about the people who drove them when they were new. There’s no elderly person I won’t ask about the car they drove when they were young. Sometimes, they think that’s an odd question, but they usually tell me some interesting story. Also, if you’re good at it, you can make a decent living. I don’t have enough skills as a mechanic, though. I should take a course or enroll in a night school program and become a c...